Why a rivalry between Marvel and DC movies is pointless
If you enjoy comic book adaptations and the Superhero genre, this really is a golden era. We've had a take on Batman that has embraced the fact comic book characters can have real world relevance, and make commentary on real world political situations. We've had a take on X-Men that, over several films, have fully grasped the social commentary that underpins these characters, as well as the cinematic potential of portraying their mutant powers on screen. And Marvel Studios are demonstrating that it is possible to turn cult, or less well-known characters, in to box office gold by focusing on what has made them so enduring in print - interesting characters and memorable stories. Sure, there are still stumbles along the way - some adaptations don't work as well as others - but on the whole if you enjoy films, and you enjoy superhero stories, you've got to be pretty happy at the moment.
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"Marvel's better than DC because-" "No, DC are better than Marvel!" Err, hey, it IS possible to like both, okay? |
To me, these attitudes - all of them - are pretty idiotic, and in fact completely counter-productive. To my mind, whilst there is a difference in aesthetic and tone that will set the two franchises apart, key to them are two things: respect for the source material, and drawing upon why these characters have been, and still are, so beloved by fans after decades. I would argue that these are the foundations that have given us films like Donner's 'Superman', Singer's 'X-Men', Nolan's Dark Knight Trilogy, and the Marvel Cinematic Universe. All of these films are very different in their ways, and at the same time have been influenced by its predecessor. For example, Singer made no secret of his love for Donner's first 'Superman' movie, and it influenced him making X-Men. You can see how the success of the X-Men film - taking a fantastic concept (people with mutant powers), but honing in on the part that makes it relevant and grounded in the 'real world' - arguably spurred on Warners' decision to make their Nolan directed Batman reboot very realistic, grounded, and believable. Kevin Feige, head of Marvel Studios, has spoken about how the success of Warners' Batman and other DC films enables Marvel Studios to keep making their films - and inspiring them to make them better. And you can argue that without the success of 'Avengers Assemble', Warners/DC would not have got their act together and started the process of bringing the Justice League to the big screen.
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'Batman Vs Superman' is looking to be a very exciting prospect - despite the initial scepticism of many (myself included) |
So when you start banging a drum about which companies' characters are getting the better films, or the better on-screen shared universe, I do believe that you cheapen BOTH sets of films. For example, 'Man of Steel' and 'Batman vs Superman' director Zack Snyder has spoken about his enjoyment of some of Marvel Studios' movies, and emphasising the difference in approach and tone the Warners' DC films are taking. I can appreciate that - to me, it's not that the DC films have more 'real world' relevance/relatability (Marvel films have been doing this, only without banging on about it as vehemently - take 'Captain America The Winter Soldier's references to the ethics of drone warfare, or 'Iron Man 3's satirical swipes on the War on Terror, with a 'manufactured' threat to justify continual militarisation for arms companies to profit from). I'd say the big difference is that Snyder is focusing upon the iconography of the comic portrayals of Batman and Superman, and also the 'mythic' qualities of the two, as representations of two sides of America's psyche (and how it is perceived by other countries). Marvel, on the other hand, are very much about the characters, and bringing their iconic moments and stories to the screen, in a way that respects the source material and also works cinematically.
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Sure Zack... DC Characters are always more serious than Marvel, and are making a big, sweeping, mythology. Bet your faithfulness to the source material won't extend to putting a moment like this one in your DC films... (source: Cheezburger) |
Unfortunately, Snyder recently made disparaging comments that suggest he looks down at certain comic/Superhero characters as somehow being lesser or inferior, when he described Ant-Man as a "flavor of the week" superhero. After spending so much time emphasising his respect for the source material, looking to much admired and respected stories, authors and artists to inform his soon-to-be-released film, Snyder has arguably undone much of that with this comment, as it betrays a lack of respect for the history and significance of these other characters. For example, although Ant-Man has never been as popular as many other superheroes (either Marvel or DC), it is a character with over 50 years of history, and in terms of story has been an integral part of many memorable and influential events: Ant-Man was in the original Avengers comic line-up, and was the creator of Ultron; not only that, the original Ant-Man Hank Pym was portrayed with significant psychological issues (including spousal abuse) long before the likes of Frank Miller began delving in to those that motivate a character like Batman.
So whilst some of his comments have been by and large neutral, Snyder's recent comments do seem to betray an opinion that Warner's DC movie universe will be 'better' than Marvel's. This is highlighted by comments, not just from him, but other execs from Warners, that their films are 'serious' and relate to the 'real world'. I've touched upon the 'real world' issues Marvel films have at least made reference to, but this is more about Marvel Studios including more moments of levity in their films - something that DC will avoid. Putting in a witty one-liner, or a moment of humour, does not detract from making a comic book/Superhero movie a serious adaptation - it's a matter of putting these moments in the right place, at the right time, so that when there is a dramatic, shocking or emotional moment, these aren't undermined. Making out that the DC movies will be 'better' because they're side-stepping this is disingenuous - although a serious tone suits Batman, DC fans would have to admit that in the comics there have been no end of goofy, silly, and pointlessly-funny moments (some better than others) - and that goes for Marvel comics too. Look at DC characters on TV - the 'tone' is probably closer to what Marvel is doing, and it works - 'Arrow' and 'Flash' have been entertaining, fun when it's right, serious when it's right, emotional when it's right, witty when it's right to do so. As great as it is when a writer really takes the psychology or social commentary inherent in a particular character seriously, people read comics first and foremost because they're fun (and because Superheroes are, most of all, awesome!). So the people steering the DC films need to acknowledge this, and stop suggesting a 'serious tone' is better than including moments of levity.
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Snyder is clearly aiming to take his visual cues from the depiction of the characters from the comic artwork, which a welcome approach and has got comic fans excited. |
And it's not just approaches to the tone or the source material where Warners' have been making digs at Marvel; an executive suggested that Warners' DC movies would be better than Marvel Studios, as they would allow Directors to bring more of their creative voice and ideas to the DC property(ies) they direct. Firstly, this is nonsense, because when you watch nearly all of the Marvel Studios films it is possible to see the influence of the Director - in fact, Marvel Studios choose their Directors because their previous work reflects the tone they want for the film. Take Joe Johnston's 'Captain America The First Avenger' - with its pulpy tone, period setting, and retro sci-fi, it harkens back to Johnston's earlier film 'The Rocketeer', which has a massive cult following. When you watch Jon Favreau's Iron Man movies, part of the reason they work (admittedly better on the first than the second) is the improvisational space he gives the actors, allowing them to bounce off each other and bring real charisma to the film. And look at 'Guardians of the Galaxy' - it has just as much heart, sarcasm, wit and inappropriate humour as James Gunn's previous films as a director (like 'Slither' and 'Super') and writer (like the 'Dawn of the Dead' remake which - hey! - Snyder directed). Having said that, there is a process these films go through - the producers know what they want to do, how they want to steer the franchise, and which parts of the comic they want to follow or take more from. This means that compromises have to be made when Directors want to add something that they want in the film. Gunn has acknowledged this, and Joss Whedon made no secret of the battles he had over parts of 'Avengers Age of Ultron' he wanted, and that the Studio wanted. Warners are no less immune to this - further highlighting that the comments are nonsense, despite stating this, they fired planned director Michelle MacLaren from Wonder Woman, as her vision did not match what the studio wanted.
Who is right in these situations? Is it the Director, who is struggling to bring artistic integrity to a film that is, at the end of the day, part of a corporate brand? Or is it the studio, who wants to stay close enough to the source material so as to please fans and audiences with a satisfying (and financially successful) adaptation? I'd say both, and to get there does require compromise, that is clear. So for Warners to make out that their DC films will be more director led, and therefore have more 'creative' or artistic worth' but then lose a director because they didn't want her artistic and creative interpretation, again shows that this is at the very least and unhelpful (and arguably false) view.
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For comic book and Superhero fans, the prospect of seeing the Trinity of Batman, Wonder Woman and Superman together on the big screen is a fairly momentous and exciting one... |
Ultimately, trying to argue that one company's creative output in the same genre is better than another, at this point in time, is fairly pointless. I grew up with the Donner Superman film, watching Batman on TV, reading Spiderman in comics, and thanks to Tim Burton's Batman and Singer's X-Men, I have never lost that fascination in these characters and stories in to my adulthood. I will watch films based on Marvel or DC characters, and my expectation will be the same for all of them: that they will entertain me, that they will reinforce what it is about these characters that make them so enduring and flat-out cool; and I will be told one of the many stories that have enthralled readers for decades - in a way that is cinematic: visually thrilling and absorbing.
For the record, I am absolutely thrilled about seeing Batman Vs Superman, and Suicide Squad next year, and I am looking forward immensely to seeing the Justice League on the big screen, including all the characters that have made up that team in their own adventures. Just because I am an avowed fan of the MCU does not mean I cannot be excited about the upcoming DC slate. Sure, it may be that some of these movies don't live up to our hopes and expectations - that is always the way with this genre. Marvel Studios has got its weaker films, and there are weaker entries in every other Superhero franchise (Marvel and DC based). Ultimately, if you're someone who has ever enjoyed Superhero stories - regardless of whether they're in comics, as a cartoon, a tv drama, or a movie - you should be grateful and excited that we're in an era when Studios, Writers, Directors and Actors not only take the genre seriously, but want to make each film the best and most faithful adaptation they possibly can. Arguing over which company does it better just mars this enjoyment, creates opinions that don't really stand up to much scrutiny - and is arguably counter-productive.
Instead, we should be very grateful that we are hopefully going to see great adaptations of characters and super-teams who've yet to have their shot at big screen success (The Flash, The Inhumans, Wonder Woman, Captain Marvel, Justice League). Whether they're Marvel creations or DC characters, I am excited to see their movies, and hope they get the treatment they deserve. You might prefer the DC characters over Marvel, or vice-versa, but when either does well it is to the benefit of the other - whether it's the inspiration to do better, or showing that the risk of investing a budget to get the adaptation right is worth it for the Studio. That is more productive than a silly argument whether Justice League are better than The Avengers...
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