Sunday, 21 February 2016

New to this Blog: 'Son of a Geek!' - my son reviews the movies...

Hello, well it has been a few weeks since my last update - I am really busy with my IT course at the moment so haven't had time to write any reviews or film related articles.  But I have been chipping away at something over a few weeks - the first video in a new feature for this blog, which I call 'Son of a Geek..!'

In this (occasional) series my son (aged 8) will review a film he's seen, just to get a different perspective (so to speak) on them.  For the first of these videos, my son has reviewed the latest Bond film 'SPECTRE', in time for its UK DVD/BluRay release (22nd February 2016) - enjoy!

As soon as I can I'll post some more reviews/articles, in the meantime thanks for watching - please leave your feedback in the comments section below.